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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “PRIVACY POLICY”) regulates, in general, the collection and processing by BLANKO of the personal data that you provide us as a user of the website accessible through the name of domain https://blankoshop.com (hereinafter, the “WEBSITE”), including the services that are available at any time through the WEBSITE. All of this without prejudice to the specific provisions established in certain sections, forms or services available on the WEBSITE in order to provide you with the pertinent information and, where appropriate, obtain your consent.

BLANKO reserves the right to modify the PRIVACY POLICY to adapt it to legislative, jurisprudential and/or administrative developments, as well as the practices developed at any time through the WEBSITE, taking your rights and interests into account at all times.

In any case, BLANKO will provide you with the appropriate technical resources so that you can access the PRIVACY POLICY in order to properly comply with the information obligations that we must observe in accordance with the applicable regulations on data protection.


The person responsible for the processing of your data is Marco Heredia Martinez with address at C/ España 19, CP 38390 Santa Úrsula - Tenerife and NIF: 43493635Z

For any question related to the PRIVACY POLICY and/or the processing of your personal data, you can contact us at the postal address indicated above and/or through the email address info@blankoshop.com


The data that we process at BLANKO have been obtained from you, through (i) the different forms that you complete while browsing the WEBSITE and/or through other channels (eg registration as a WEBSITE user -when applicable-). , contact forms, forms referring to job offers and/or selection processes, etc.); (ii) by sending an email or inquiry message.

In the event that the personal data provided belongs to a third party, you guarantee that you have informed said third party of the PRIVACY POLICY and have obtained their authorization to provide your data to BLANKO for the purposes indicated below.

Additionally, we inform you of the possible processing of your social network data through the corporate profiles that BLANKO keeps available on each social network in which it is present, all under the terms and conditions established in each social network.


The data that we process at BLANKO are those that you have provided us while browsing the WEBSITE, through the appropriate forms that we use to formalize our contact with you and/or through email, as well as those others that, in their case, we obtain it through BLANKO 's corporate profiles on the social networks in which we are present.

In particular, at BLANKO we process the following categories of data:

Identification and contact data (eg name, surname, postal and email address, telephone, etc.).
Identification codes and keys as a registered user of the WEBSITE.
Internet browsing data (eg IP address, visits to web pages, connections to Wi-Fi networks, etc.).

The processing of your personal data pursues the following purposes:

Manage and process your registration as a WEBSITE user, when possible.
Manage your access and use of the content and services that BLANKO makes available to you through the WEBSITE, including blog services, social networks or any other functionalities that are accessible from the WEBSITE at any time.
Process and manage the contracting of products or services that, where appropriate, you formalize with BLANKO through the WEBSITE, manage the shipment of said products and, in general, maintain, manage and control the contractual relationship that you establish with us as purchaser of our products or services.
Process and manage the request for information, suggestions, complaints or claims that you make through the WEBSITE or email.
Send you by different means, including electronic, commercial and advertising communications from BLANKO and other companies in the business group in which BLANKO is a member, regarding products, services, offers, promotions and any other relevant information regarding said entities, provided that you I would have consented to it.
Manage your subscription to our newsletter service and the sending of the corresponding electronic communications, provided that you have consented.
The processing of your personal data by BLANKO , in accordance with applicable regulations, is based (i) on your consent, granted at the time of collecting your personal data that you voluntarily provide to us through the mechanisms enabled for this purpose. on the WEBSITE; (ii) in the relationship established with us in the cases of contracting our products and services; or (iii) in the legitimate interest of BLANKO .

We remind you that, at any time, in cases where the treatment is based on your consent, you can revoke it freely and free of charge, under the terms indicated in the following section.


Apart from those cases in which BLANKO is obliged to do so by legal imperative (eg Tax Administrations, Justice Administration or other Public Administrations), your data will not be communicated to third parties. There are no plans for international transfers of your data.


In general, personal data will be kept as long as you do not revoke your consent to the processing or request its deletion, as well as for the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that BLANKO must observe.

In any case, we inform you that BLANKO has established internal data purification policies aimed at controlling the retention periods of the personal data in its possession, so these may be canceled when they are no longer necessary and/or appropriate. for the purpose for which they were collected.


The applicable data protection regulations grant you a series of rights related to your personal data that you may exercise during their processing. These rights are those indicated below:

Access to your data: you have the right to access your data to know what personal data concerning you we are processing.
Request the rectification or deletion of your data: in certain circumstances, you have the right to rectify inaccurate personal data that concerns you that is subject to processing by us or, even, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data no longer exists. were necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
Request the limitation of the processing of your data: in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to limit the processing of your data, in which case we inform you that we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims as provided for in the applicable regulations on the matter. of data protection.
To the portability of your data: in certain circumstances, you have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, and that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another data controller.
Oppose the processing of your data: in certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to oppose the processing of your data in which case, we would stop processing it unless, for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims, these must be preserved.
Likewise, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

You may exercise these rights by means of a written request addressed to BLANKO , at the postal address indicated in Section 1 or by sending an email to the address info@blankoshop.com

Finally, indicate that you can file a claim with the competent Control Authority (in Spain, the Spanish Data Protection Agency), especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights. You can contact said Authority through its website: www.aepd.es.


BLANKO will treat your data at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and maintaining the mandatory duty of secrecy with respect to them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on data protection, adopting technical and organizational measures for this purpose. necessary to guarantee the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.